Foreign Currency Exchange (Forex)
Letz Go Holidays enables you to deal with an array of foreign exchange transactions for every purpose. Be it overseas business or a leisure trip. Foreign exchange services like 'Foreign Currency Notes' are available in a wide range of currencies. The combination of 'Currency Notes' is a safe and convenient way to carry foreign money overseas.
Letz Go Holidays' Money Changers buy and sell a range of 26 world currencies. When travelling overseas you can pick up the currency of the destination you are travelling to. It is especially needed on arrival in a foreign land, to pay for taxis, tips etc. In most cases we will have your local currency requirement, available over-the-counter at our offices.
We deal with a range of many world currencies. We also make sure that the transactions you make are easy and simplified, which is why when travelling overseas we ensure that you are given the option of picking up the desired foreign currency of the destination you are travelling to. This is especially needed on arrival in a foreign land, to pay for immediate local travel, tips etc.
The Reserve Bank of India regulations allow Resident Indian citizens to take up to US Dollars 3,000 or its equivalent in currency notes per trip, subject to your foreign exchange entitlement. However, for travel to CIS, Russia and Iran, the entire foreign exchange requirement can be taken in the form of currency notes. For travel to Iraq or Libya foreign exchange not exceeding US Dollars 5,000 can be released in currency notes or its equivalent.